Uranium is an API CS20 running NetBSD 1.6.2. its primary purpose in life is
currently to be the vaxpower.org shell machine (and mail, www, dns, everything
else machine as well).
It is the primary DNS for vaxpower.org.
For information or an account send mail to info@vaxpower.org
Uranium is an API CS20, the easily recognizable 1u rackmount box with a bright
blue front panel. It has 1 gig of core and two 833MHz alpha 21264 cpus.
It has a 32g ssd for local disk (one of the old skool intel SLC ssd's)
A special note: the power button such as there is, is a tiny hard to find
thing on the rear of the machine. The machine sometimes does not come back up
on its own after power outages.